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Haunted Vermont, Folklore & much more…

Haunted Vermont Ghost Stories, Legends, Myths, and Haunted Houses

We've compiled a special collection of Vermont oddities, myths and legends along with a ghost story or two. If you think the weirdest experience you've had in Vermont is strolling down Church St., think again. Some of the articles below are sure to curl your toes. Also, when truth is stranger than fiction, there are quite a few skeletons hidden in Vermont's closet.

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1 Vermont Haunted Places, Legends and Ghost Stories

Vermont Haunted Places, Legends and Ghost Stories

Vermont is a state steeped in mystery and intrigue. From ghostly apparitions wandering centuries-old farmhouses to spine-tingling tales of supernatural encounters deep in the Green Mountains, Vermont has no shortage of haunted happenings to explore. For thrill-seekers and paranormal enthusiasts, the Green Mountain State offers numerous haunted destinations—like the mysterious but beautiful Lake Bomoseen and the haunting Emily's Bridge—where a restless spirit named Emily is said to linger in despair.

Bestseller No. 1
Haunted Vermont
  • Used Book in Good Condition
  • D'Agostino, Thomas (Author)
  • English (Publication Language)
  • 160 Pages – 05/28/2011 (Publication Date) – Schiffer Publishing (Publisher)

Whether you're looking to go on a moonlit graveyard tour, Burlington ghost tour, trace the footsteps of a legendary specter, or just curl up around a campfire and swap scary stories, Vermont's eerie history and folklore promise bone-chilling thrills. This fall, uncover the state's most disturbing legends, visit its most haunted houses, and immerse yourself in the dark side of Vermont.

Haunted Vermont
Haunted Vermont

The Cursed Hayden House in Albany, Vermont

Discover the mysterious story of the Hayden family of Albany, Vermont, and the eerie events that plagued their lives for generations. From unexplainable illnesses to tragic accidents, ghosts and unexplained deaths, some have speculated that the Hayden family was cursed and doomed.


Emily’s Bridge of Stowe – Vermont’s Most Famous Ghost Story

Emily’s Bridge is a historic covered bridge located in Stowe, Vermont. Also known as the Gold Brook Bridge, it was built in 1844, making it arguably the oldest covered bridge still standing in the United States. It is also the best known of Vermont’s haunted bridges.

One man's Insurance against premature burial in Vermont

Things are looking up…for someone who's been dead for over 100 years. Discover Evergreen Cemetery in New Haven, Vermont, final resting place of Timothy Clark Smith, whose 1893 crypt includes a window to help him escape in case he was buried alive.

Hauntings Near Castleton Vermont or Simply Local Myths?

This intriguing article discusses various paranormal encounters experienced by people in the Castleton, Fair Haven area of Vermont. Are these locations truly haunted or simply deemed so based upon the appearances of the locations? You decide.

The Ghost of the Burlington Mill Worker

As the autumn arrived, tales of the female mill ghost circulated, and the lights of the trains passing by the site of the Marie witching hour would flicker. And some folks even claimed that they could peer past the tracks near where Marie was virtually worked to death, seeing visions of her near the railroad trestle and of her, tormented by the ghost of a former occupation, working at night at her loom. Some even claimed to have seen Marie scream near the tracks.

A Mt. Philo Ghost Story of Sweeping Origins…Literally!

A ghost seen floating by a window. One of the girls, a cute three feet tall blond with brown eyes, admitted that she was the one who initiated the stone throwing, which is the interesting part of this story. She informs me that a ghost was floating by the window. With his hands outstretched, he stood tall and bald.

The Haunted Halls of Vermont’s Norwich University

Norwich University, a prestigious institution located in Vermont, is known not only for its academic excellence but also for its chilling ghost stories. Many students and faculty members have reported eerie occurrences happening in several halls on campus. Let’s dive into the ghostly tales of Norwich University and uncover the haunted halls that are rumored to be inhabited by spirits.

Curse of the Brunswick Springs

Ripley's Believe it or Not called it the “Eighth Wonder of the World” in 1984. To Abenaki American Indians, it is a sacred spot with natural healing powers. Over the last two centuries, people with enterprising ideas have envisioned it as a place of business. Four hotel fires later, they were left to wonder: was it coincidence that led to their failure, or the curse of Brunswick Springs?

Haunting and Tragic Tale of Vermont’s Worst Railroad Disaster

Some say that the area is haunted by ghosts of the hapless victims. It is said that people in nearby Hartford, Vermont often avoid that particular section of road, near the failed trestle, late at night. Probably just as well, since the few who have rallied their courage to venture forth have come back in a near state of shock. Whether it is truly haunted by ghosts or not doesn’t really matter. The memories of the tragedy are certainly haunting enough.

A farmer’s work is never done – even in death

“…at least that is what I like to joke about when I tell people about the old farmer who lived in my farmhouse several decades ago. I’m fond of telling people that he still roams the halls of the two and a half story farmhouse. During the early months of 2005, something happened that made me think, at least for a moment, that my joke wasn’t a joke after all.” Written by Scott Wheeler

Ghosts at the University of Vermont

Burlington is Vermont’s largest city and the University of Vermont is the state’s largest university. Perhaps that helps to explain why it is also one of the most active hot spots of supernatural activity. It seems that the number of ghosts within the halls of UVM may sometimes rival the head count of the living student body.

High Spirits at the Highgate Manor Inn

Highgate Manor Glory Days
Highgate Manor's glorious past

Is the Highgate Manor haunted by ghosts of the past? History – The Highgate Manor was built in 1818 by Captain Steve Keyes along with The Manor Mayfair, which was located directly across the green from the Manor. During the period of the Civil War the Manor was used as a stop on the Underground Railroad with tunnels running from under the house to the river.

Stowe, VT Green Mountain Inn’s Tap Dancing Ghost

Any self respecting Vermont Inn has a resident ghost or two. The Green Mountain Inn located in Stowe is no exception. As a matter of fact, they have a very unique tap dancing ghost.
The Inn itself is more than 173 years old and during that time, it has welcomed a variety of guests from famous celebrities to the rowdiest of individuals. The Inn was also home to a local man named Boots Berry, whose life ended on the grounds of the historic Inn.

Forgotten Tales of Vermont
  • Alexander, William M. (Author)
  • English (Publication Language)
  • 160 Pages – 06/27/2008 (Publication Date) – The History Press (Publisher)

Ghosts still visit the Cahoon Farm in Lyndon

“My children swear I didn’t tell them about the ghosts before we settled into what I’ve come to learn is one of Lyndon’s most famous haunted houses. Maybe that’s true. Their father had died, and I was eager to move from Connecticut, and didn’t feel that a few spirits lingering about should deter us. But in truth, I didn’t put much stock into the stories the realtor told me anyway.” Written by Denise Brown

Goddard College’s Musical Ghost

A prospective student walked into the Manor House, only to find a man playing the piano. The student asked the man for directions but the question was ignored, while the strange man continued to play. The perplexed student walked out in frustration. She was heading into the upper garden when she turned around and noticed the mysterious piano player laughing at her. The unusual specter then vanished into thin air.

Unraveling the Mysterious Spiritualism of the Eddy Brothers

Eddy Brothers Ghostly Manifestation

The Eddy Brothers, William and Horatio, were controversial mediums known for holding séances and channeling spirits at their family’s Green Tavern inn located in Chittenden, Vermont in the 1870s. The brothers claimed to have psychic abilities and spiritual powers from a young age, which led them to become traveling spiritualists.

The Fascinating Vermont Ghost Story from Echo Lake Inn

The Echo Lake Inn is a historic Inn in Ludlow, Vermont. Many guests (young and old) often ask if there are any spirits in the Inn. Rumors swirl and many a tall tale has been told regarding these mysterious and elusive beings.

Naming the Ghost – A Haunting in the Northeast Kingdom

Late in 1974, I met a ghost. In retrospect, this visitation was a gift, though at the time I could not appreciate it as such. Nor did it occur to me to try to discover whose ghost it was; that implies a degree of fearless objectivity I did not possess.

Most Haunted St. Michael’s College

St. Michael’s College is located in Colchester, VT. It’s one of those colleges you drive by all the time and admire the beauty of the historic buildings. Seemingly, a picture perfect campus with a typical Vermont look and appeal. But are there strange things going on behind locked doors?

Jonathan Wheelock’s Haunted Farmhouse, Cavendish, VT

Jonathan Wheelock was allegedly the victim of a violent accident that took his life. He died on August 13, 1842. But perhaps Jonathan chose not to cross over and now still resides within his haunted farmhouse, watching over others.

Vermont Myths, Legends and Unusual Places and Things

The Hope Cemetery, Barre, VT.

Hope Cemetery Bored Angel

This is the only cemetery where I have actually seen tourists go and take photos next to the monuments. Probably for good reason as this is one of the most fantastic displays of granite that you'll ever see. Monuments such as the huge soccer ball, airplane, the trucker and perhaps the most unusual of all…two people side-by-side, holding hands in bed. Plus, life size statues and more. Take a look for yourself as a whole gallery of Hope Cemetery photos are now available.

Curses, UFO’s and The Mystery of “Bennington Triangle”

Bermuda Triangle is very well known, but not quite so well known is the “Bennington Triangle”

…the name given to a mysterious area in southwestern Vermont, by author Joe Citro, describing an area in which a number of people went missing between 1920 and 1950. Primarily known for the Battle of Bennington, the region is rich in historical events dating back to the 1700’s. Bennington is fertile ground for ghostly events, folklore and supernatural occurrences. The region is often referred to as the “Bennington Triangle” due to the many odd, unexplained happenings within its surroundings, buildings and nearby mountains.

Devil Cats of Vermont

Some folks call them devil cats while others call them a beautiful creation of nature. Vermont history is full of accounts regarding mountain lions prowling the woods and forests of Vermont.

The Icy Cold Heart of a Vermont Winter Storm

Late winter 1869 brought about one of the biggest snowstorms in Danville, VT’s recorded history. By all accounts, farmers and residents alike would not know just how cold and tragic the storm had actually been until they gathered by wood stoves to read the weekly newspaper. A tragedy had occurred in the neighboring town of Peacham, which would embarrass even the most prosperous of its citizens.

Amazing Shocking Tales of Grave Robbing in Vermont

University of Vermont medical students who graduated in the 1870s recalled the school obtaining cadavers from nearby cemeteries. In other states that were less strict about how corpses could be treated, businesses sprang up that sold cadavers. Grave robbing was apparently a very lucrative business. This was true of southern states, which shipped the bodies of blacks north to medical schools. The practice of shipping bodies had its drawbacks, though.

Legend of “Johnny Seesaw”

Johnny Seesaw’s was built in 1920 by Russian logger, Ivan Sesow. It's located in Peru, Vermont and has quite a unique history.

The Totally Creepy Story of the Vermont Pigman

The Vermont Pigman?
The Vermont Pigman?

In 1971, a farmer in Northfield, Vt. went to investigate some strange noises coming from his backyard one night. He turned on his outside light and peered out the kitchen window, expecting to see a raccoon or plump squirrel sifting through his garbage. Instead he met the gaze of a man-sized figure lurking along the edges of the yellow light. His body was covered in white hair and he had the facial features of a pig.

Where is Ethan Allen Buried?

In life, Ethan Allen was a controversial Revolutionary War hero that history often describes as fiercely independent, a bit crude, brash and undoubtedly, daring. But where is this legendary figure resting now?

Slipperyskin – Bear, Bigfoot, or Indian?

In the 1700s the Northeast Kingdom of Vermont was (and still is to a certain degree) frontier country. It was inhabited by woodsmen, hunters, trappers, and fishermen extended families, mostly Wabanaki, but also a few sturdy others. It is told that it was also the haunt of Slipperyskin, a bear, which is supposed to have caused a general misery among the settlers. His name Slipperyskin was because he managed to elude every trap that was ever set for him. The Indians knew him and called him Wejuk or Wet Skin

Exploring Ricker Basin – A Vermont Ghost Town Long Abandoned

Rickers Basin House

As the years passed into the late 1800’s, families started to abandon their homes and land. The steep landscape and issues with soil quality made life on Ricker Mountain difficult. The stories of ghosts and a murder only serve to pique interest in this long forgotten, Vermont ghost town.

Does a Legendary Monster Lurk in the Depths of Lake Memphremagog?

Lake Memphremagog is home to a gigantic monster—at least that is what some people say!

Willoughby Lake Monster and other Oddities

Willoughby Lake is a scenic body of water located in the northern Vermont town of Westmore, nestled between two mountains, Mt. Hor and Mt. Pisgah. In earlier years, the region was a well known and popular destination with several large tourist hotels and much to see and do.

Vermont's Deep Frozen Folks

Vermonters are a frugal bunch and have been for many generations. In order to save energy during a long, cold Vermont winter, the truly ingenious old-time Vermont natives would find a way conserve food and heat…. by freezing their old folks, for the duration of winter, and thawing them out in the spring time!

The Town Named After A Cheapskate

Barton, Vermont is named for Colonel (later General) William Barton, who later spent fourteen years in jail in Vermont for refusing to pay a public fine, although people that knew him believed he could have easily paid for it.

A Dual Purpose Coffin

Lysander Barnes was a huge man. He towered six-foot plus in his stocking feet. “Lys” was somewhat of a carpenter. During the 1850's, he was the “Mr. Fix It” of the north end of Stamford, VT.

Discover the Fishy Origin of Lake Memphremagog’s Fur Bearing Trout

Fur Bearing Trout

If so, just maybe you’ll catch one of the world famous fur bearing trout—trout that are said to grow fur to survive the cold, snowy weather that is so much a part of life in Vermont’s Northeast Kingdom, fur that is said to molt off come spring and warmer weather.

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