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Haunted Vermont, Folklore & much more…

Haunted Castleton: Do Restless Spirits Actually Roam Near This Vermont Town or Are They Just Myths?

Based on an article by Bryanna Allen-Rickstad of the Castleton Spartan

Haunted Houses in Vermont and Ghost Stories

This intriguing article discusses various paranormal encounters experienced by people in the Castleton, Fair Haven area of Vermont. Are these locations truly haunted or simply deemed so based upon the appearances of the locations? You decide.

The Lloyd-Jacobs House in Fair Haven

In Fair Haven, the Lloyd-Jacob's House, a late 19th-century building that has been converted into apartments, is also believed to be haunted. The three-story brick Lloyd-Jacobs House was built in 1891 in the Queen Anne architectural style. It originally belonged to the prominent Lloyd and Jacobs families and was converted into apartments in the 1980s.

Since then, tenants have reported a number of unexplained paranormal occurrences, leading many to believe the historic home is haunted:

  • Strange noises like disembodied voices, knocks, and footsteps are frequently heard, especially on the upper floors and staircases when no one else is around. Some claim to hear their name being called.
  • Doors and windows open and close on their own without explanation. Many report feeling sudden cold spots or chills in certain rooms.
  • Flickering lights, electrical appliances turning on unexpectedly, and other unexplained activity with lighting and electronics regularly occurs.
  • Some tenants have woken up feeling like something is sitting on their bed or seen dark shadowy figures passing through rooms at night.
  • The apparition of an older woman dressed in Victorian-era clothing has allegedly been spotted looking out the second floor bay window by passerby.

No one knows for sure who might be haunting the Lloyd-Jacobs House. Perhaps a former family member who refuses to leave the beloved home? A deceased tenant drawn back to their apartment for unknown reasons? Either way, current residents accept the ghostly occurrences as part of living in the 130-year-old building with such a storied past.

Owner Dave Nelson has felt an unexplained presence in the building, particularly in the abandoned theater on the top floor. A construction worker, Jonathan Saw, also encountered a mysterious figure who disappeared when he closed his eyes. Saw refused to return to the building after this incident.

The Marble Mansion Inn

Marble Mansion Inn Fair Haven Vermont

The Marble Mansion Inn, a bed and breakfast, is another location with reported paranormal activity. Guests have reported various incidents such as awakening in the night, startled to see a man dressed in a gray suit, standing at the foot of their bed. Reportedly, he is said to be the ghost of a former owner of the Inn, who passed away there.

Local businessman Kevin Durkee had an encounter with a young woman in the mansion's basement, who disappeared when he tried to follow her. There are sounds of children running through the halls, even though no children were registered guests at the Inn.

Built in 1886-1867, by businessman Ira C. Allen (Allen was the grandson of a cousin of American Revolutionary War patriot Ethan Allen) and located on the village green in Fair Haven, the Inn certainly looks like it could be haunted due to it's stately, historic appearance. Constructed entirely of flawless, gleaming marble, the tree-story building certainly fits the appearance of a haunted hotspot.

Castleton State College

In Castleton, students of Castleton State College have also experienced unexplained occurrences in a house on South Street, particularly in the basement. Roommates Katie Sault and Kyle Van Gelder taped the basement door shut after the light switch kept going on and off, and the lock kept changing its state. Van Gelder reported feeling watched and hearing a man's voice over his radio one night, even after turning off the music.

These accounts showcase various instances of alleged paranormal activity throughout Vermont, impacting the lives of those who have experienced these strange and frightening events.

According to a study by CBS News, 48 percent of Americans believe in ghosts and 77 percent believe in some sort of afterlife presence. The percentage of believers is increasing every year, particularly among people between the ages of 18 and 26. One theory is that people are becoming more open to the unexplainable because of the drastic events happening in the world today. Paranormal Expert William Roll also suggests horror films may influence people.

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