September 17, 2024
Montpelier, US 75 F

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Exciting Cliff Jumping Adventures in Vermont

Vermont cliff jumping

Summer is coming and one of the more daring activities that people enjoy is cliff jumping. There seem to be no shortage of gorges, rocky cliffs and quarries for adventurous daredevils to choose from. The cool waters and hidden swimming holes of VT offer spectacular beauty in addition to some intriguing and potentially dangerous diving points.

There are many Vermont spots for the adventurous daredevils to choose from

When I was a teenager, a popular spot was Big Falls in North Troy, VT but that is only one of many cliff jumping locations throughout the Green Mountains. There are many other cliff jumping spots and swimming holes spread throughout the state. Not to mention all the abandoned quarries that are filled with water. It's easy to see why Vermont is a tempting place for people to seek out and enjoy such activities. As you can see in the video below, people come from many other states to enjoy cliff jumping in VT.

Visit Vermont Cliffs for an Adrenaline rush?

Despite the high adrenaline rush of cliff jumping in Vermont, there have no doubt been many injuries, accidents and deaths. Huntington Falls gorge is notorious for being a very dangerous place.

While some may have been accidental (I can remember at least a couple at Big Falls, back in the day), it's certainly a risky activity. As someone who never learned how to swim properly, the last thing I could imagine doing would be to jump from a high perch into an unknown body of water. Yet, there are those who are passionate about it and I can only hope they stay safe!

As I write this post, on a dark, cold and windy April day in 2016, the last thing I can imagine is diving into a cold pool of water, from some ominous looking cliff. However, with that being said, Vermont weather is fickle and changes quickly. As I have seen many times before, the temperature can change quickly. It could be just a few weeks weeks from now, when people are happily leaping off cliffs and quarries to escape the heat of a summer day. Stay safe out there this summer!

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