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Vermont Boys Will Be Boys Even During A Civil War

Vermont soldiers farmers at the civil war

Colonel Thomas had some very spirited, new recruits to contend with during the Civil War. Perhaps he didn’t realize the difficult task of converting Vermont farmers’ sons into soldiers. Form the Vermont Phoenix, February 27, 1862: Late on Saturday evening the police of this village were called upon to suppress a disturbance at a house of ill-repute on Flat-street (Brattleboro, VT), occasioned by some of the soldiers of the 8th Regiment.

The police declined to interfere unless accompanied by some of the proper military authorities. Accordingly the information was laid before Col. Thomas who, with suitable guard, proceeded to the aforesaid establishment and there captured a happy Lieutenant and sundry privates. The captive officer was ordered to report himself under arrest and the privates were sent to the guard house.

Two of the privates escaped with one of the women by secreting themselves in the cellar. It is currently reported that these arrests were made upon information given by certain civilians, who had been temporarily supplanted in the affections of the inmates of this house by the aforementioned soldiers.

Colonel Thomas and the Challenge of Transforming Vermont Farmers' Sons into Civil War Soldiers

Vermont soldiers farmers at the civil war

The American Civil War was a defining moment in the nation's history, with the conflict pitting brother against brother and testing the resolve of countless individuals. Among the many heroes who emerged during this turbulent time was Colonel Thomas, who faced the daunting task of converting the sons of Vermont farmers into battle-ready soldiers. In this article, we'll explore the challenges that Colonel Thomas faced and how his leadership contributed to the formation of a formidable fighting force.

The Green Mountain State's Call to Arms

As the clouds of war gathered over the United States, President Abraham Lincoln issued a call to arms in 1861, seeking volunteers to help preserve the Union. Vermont, with its predominantly rural and agrarian population, responded to the call, and many young men, the sons of farmers, found themselves stepping up to serve their nation. Colonel Thomas was tasked with the responsibility of molding these inexperienced volunteers into a cohesive fighting force capable of facing the harsh realities of the Civil War.

Overcoming Inexperience and a Lack of Training

Vermont soldiers farmers at the civil war

One of the most significant challenges Colonel Thomas faced was the inexperience and lack of military training among the Vermont farm boys who had enlisted. Accustomed to the rhythms of agricultural life, these young men had little to no understanding of the demands of warfare. To overcome this obstacle, Colonel Thomas implemented a rigorous training program that focused on the essentials of soldiering, including marching, shooting, and discipline. Through perseverance and determination, he was able to gradually transform these raw recruits into capable soldiers.

Building Unity and Trust

In addition to overcoming inexperience, Colonel Thomas recognized the importance of fostering a sense of camaraderie and trust among his soldiers. He understood that a united force would be better equipped to face the challenges of war. To accomplish this, he organized group activities and encouraged communication among the men, helping to break down social barriers and create strong bonds. This shared sense of brotherhood would prove invaluable on the battlefield.

The Legacy of Colonel Thomas and his Vermont Soldiers

Under Colonel Thomas's leadership, the Vermont farm boys-turned-soldiers quickly gained a reputation for their bravery and tenacity on the battlefield. They would go on to participate in numerous key battles and campaigns throughout the Civil War, including the Battle of Gettysburg and the Wilderness Campaign. Their unwavering commitment to the cause of the Union earned them the respect of both their comrades and their adversaries.

Vermont soldiers farmers at the civil war

How Did Vermont Boys Spend Their Summers During the Civil War?

During the Civil War, Vermont boys experienced summers filled with various activities amidst the turmoil. Many boys took up jobs on farms or in local industries to support their families and contribute to the war effort. Some joined the Union Army and participated in military training camps. Check out this article about vermont to learn more about how these young boys spent their summers during such challenging times.


Colonel Thomas's ability to transform the sons of Vermont farmers into a formidable fighting force during the Civil War stands as a testament to his skill as a leader and the resilience of the young men who served under his command. Despite the numerous challenges they faced, these soldiers rose to the occasion and played a crucial role in helping to preserve the Union. Their story serves as a poignant reminder of the sacrifices made by countless individuals during one of the most tumultuous periods in American history, and the enduring impact of their service continues to inspire future generations.

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