February 9, 2025
Montpelier, US 20 F

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Howard Stern and Judge Cashman

Someone from Vermont (not me!) called into the Howard Stern show on Sirius satellite radio the other day and mentioned the current controversy surrounding Judge Edward Cashman the other day. Robin Quivers hit it right on the head when she suggested that if the judge has a daughter, perhaps the rapist should be sentenced to live within the Cashman household for a period of time while receiving his “sex offender treatment”. Great idea!

No word from Gary “Baba Booey” Dell Abate but we do know that he skis at Smugglers Notch and that Howard loves Vermont (and apparently jogs somewhere around the Northeast Kingdom).

The whole issue of treatment for sex offenders is kind or ironic considering the recent murder in Albany, VT. The Albany murderer had undergone such “treatment” in the past and look how he turned out. For the victim's sake, isn't it about time that punishment fits the crime? By the way, if you're a bleeding heart for murderers, rapists and other human waste, let them move in with you and see if you can “treat” them.

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